11 Sep Everyday secret to a strong, healthy body. Bootybarre BURN Success Story.
I don’t think I can express enough how much I detest gimmicks and quick fixes. They set you up for failure, not success. Don’t fall for the hype. Short term, rapid success = long-term weight-loss struggle. There is a reliable way for you to get the health, body and lifestyle you desire and deserve though. And it won’t leave you feeling like a failure in 6 months when the pounds start to pack on again.
What is the everyday secret to getting a strong, sexy, healthy body and keeping it that way?! The answer is in the question. Consistency!
I know, I know. Consistency is not as dramatic as say, magically dropping 20 pounds in a weekend, and it means you have to work for your body and health. But, I promise you the payoff is far greater and lasts much longer, and is far more rewarding than a weekend in your skinny jeans, only to have that weight come right back on Monday.
Meet bootybarre BURN superstar, Wendy. She’s a prime example of the magic of consistency. She did the first online bootybarre BURN 60 day challenge back in January and kept on going. She was in it for the long term health transformation and it’s paying off BIG time! Sure, she’s lost weight. But, look at all that she’s gained. These are her own words, as expressed in my VIP Facebook group and completely unsolicited from me!
It’s been over 6 months since we started our amazing program. Lol … you might say, “hey this is the end of round 3”. Having ya’ll as a support team has been my drive. I have been more and more inspired to continue my fitness progress because of my continuous results. I’m seeing and feeling a toned and healthy body. It’s just an amazing feeling!
I look forward to starting the program again with the new set of burners to focus again on strength and toning. Also, I love love love the awesome abs by Tracey on youtube on BeFit. I utilizes the workout more in our second 60 day round. Try it if you haven’t. It’s like a core burn 3.
So, without further ado, my results for the last 60 days are 9lbs and 9.5 inches down. Which makes for a grand total from 2/7/15 of 30 lbs and 26.25 inches lost. It’s hard to believe sometimes. My workout outfits have gone from a very tight x large to a lightly snug large in my pictures today.
6 months ago I was so heavy, miserable and out of shape. Now, I’m a focused fitness junkie who can finally sit on my heels without my oversized thighs getting in my way. Child’s pose and downward dog … oh yeah … I can I can! Full side plank, well I still shake but I can hold it now. It can be done ladies! This program has been the best transformation of my life! Whoa whoa!
She continues to blow my mind and the rest of the gals in the group with this update as well…
Recent accomplishments:Way to go Wendy!! Thank you so much for being such a bright light and shining example of what’s possible for women all over the world. It’s not just about losing weight… it’s about getting strong, healthy and happy. I am forever in awe of women like you who commit 100% and refuse to give up. I am grateful for your trust in me and my bootybarre BURN 60 day challenge and for your continued inspiration! If Wendy’s story speaks to you, then please join us for the next online 60 day challenge. You can get a sneak peak and start for FREE with the 10 day IGNITE phase. Click here to register for that now! Love and Health, Tracey
- I can perform the jumping jacks on Cardio fusion.
- I have built up so much strength. I walked into the store to get cat food and litter. I tossed 1 – 16lbs cat food bag over my left shoulder with my purse. I held in my right arm another 16 lbs bag and a 10 lbs lightweight litter. I gingerly set the cat food on the belt to scan. After paying and fishing out my keys, the cashier asked if I wanted a cart. I say, no thank you, I’m strong. I carried the above items to my truck about 100 feet with ease. I looked back to see the cashiers direction when I got to my truck and she watched me walk out.
- I can feel definition in my quads and my arms that have never been there before even when I was active 10 years ago. I still wake up ever morning wondering if I really have this body.
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