11 Jan How to Motivate Yourself to Workout
How to motivate yourself to workout
Having the ability to stay motivated to workout and during your workouts is the key to your success. Everyday we motivate ourselves in one way or another, sometimes money is the motivation, or affection, losing weight or perhaps just being healthy. Everyone has their own motivation that drives them. The same goes for exercise. So what is the key to pushing yourself during a workout?
1. Set Short Term Goals
If you have not yet set any goals then this is the first thing you need to do. Set short-term goals that relate to day-to-day activities as these produce daily motivation. Your daily goals become important and enjoyable to achieve, so you end up being motivated to complete them. Not only that, but setting goals keeps you on track, focused and it also give you a sense of achievement every time you reach a goal. So get out your phone or diary and write down today’s goals!
2. Get an accountability partner or workout buddy
If you struggle to keep up the pace or workout on a regular basis, then a great way to stay motivated is by having a friend by your side. This person will not just workout with you, but they will also push you through the workout.
They will keep you motivated and provide support when you don’t feel like you can go on. Plus you will feel accountable to each other so cheating won’t be an option. If you can’t find a training buddy then a personal trainer is another great option. You can also join an online group like my Tracey Mallett VIP Facebook group or my bootybarre BURN 60 day online challenge – virtual accountability can be just as effective.
And lastly, some people feel motivated to exercise if they have a dog that they know needs exercising too. Whatever route you choose, you need a friend to help keep you going!
3. You need to super-charge your positive mindset
The mind is your most powerful muscle. You have to set your mind on being positive and focus on what you want. Try to train your mind into good thoughts that lead to good habits, not bad thoughts that lead to unhealthy habits. In other words, instead of focusing on the things you don’t like about your body, focus on the things you do like and how much better you’ll feel when you reach your goal.
This way you will have created a frame of mind that will keep you going throughout your workouts. A motivated mind can be achieved in a number of ways. It can be through visualization; this is where you visualize what you want and how you are going to achieve it. It could be though repetition; this is where you repeat to yourself everyday what you want and how you are going to achieve it. Or you could use some affirmations like ‘I will have an intense workout’ or ‘I will run non stop for 30 minutes’. Use some of these methods to build a positive and motivational mindset.
4. Track your progress
It is essential to monitor your progress, as for most people it is only by seeing changes that they stay motivated. If no change is noticed then this is where people begin to become disheartened and discouraged. The best way to track progress is by taking photos of yourself each week and comparing them every month. Or get a diary and begin to write down everything from your diet to your body measurements.
5. Rewards to the rescue!
Have you ever heard of retail therapy? Well it works and it definitely can motivate you to workout because you want the opportunity to wear a beautiful new outfit. This is how it works… make a goal to lose 5 or 10 pounds or add 10 minutes to your workout, or whatever works for you. After you’ve reached your goal, head to the store and reward yourself with something you’ve had your eye on, something that you absolutely love. It can be cool new workout clothes, so that next time you head out for a workout you will be extra motivated to workout. Or, it can be a dress, a pair of shoes or new handbag. Pick whatever will motivate you the most.
We all struggle from time to time with motivation to workout and that’s why these 5 tips can really help you to stay on track. By incorporating these tips into your routine you will find your workouts become more frequent and more intense. You will be smashing those goals sooner than you think and that dream body will be just around the corner!
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